Soulmates aren’t forever. They arrive for a certain phase of your life, to teach you lessons, necessary for you to grow. Sometimes growth is challenging & tumultuous, but there are ties that bind us to a certain person until the lesson is wholeheartedly learned. Then, they move on. Even if it hurts, thank them for their time & the gift of those lessons. Then, move on, stronger than you were. Soulmates aren’t forever, eventually you’ll outgrow them. That said, I do believe in forever love. I didn’t marry a soulmate. I waited until I grew into my own strength, and evolved enough to meet my life partner. Life partners can be family, friends, or marriage. The relationship is less challenging, less tumultuous, more understanding & more accepting of growth and change. You don’t outgrow a life partner. Your relationship can withstand every future phase of change & growth. Sometimes flying side-by-side, sometimes one supporting the other, and often boosting each other higher, you’re simply better together. That’s true love. Don’t settle; believe in forever love. xo

Catherine Harris