Ever find yourself procrastinating? Know why?

As a young schoolgirl, I would procrastinate large school projects. Partially because I simply didn’t want to do them, but also because I felt overwhelmed.

It was my Mom who taught me how to breakdown big goals into a timeline of smaller tasks.

This skill has helped me accomplish some seriously huge goals, like getting into college, writing a thesis, moving across the country, opening an art gallery, etc.

So, while I may have considered myself a procrastinator in adolescence, I now have confidence in my ability to accomplish big goals.

Therefore, when I procrastinate as an adult, I get curious about why: Am I not interested in the project? Have I not made time to break it down into a timeline of smaller tasks?

If I discover I am interested and have scheduled the do-able tasks, yet still let those deadlines pass without accomplishment, then I know something else is at work.

Either, I am lacking confidence in myself or in my goals.

Lacking confidence in myself is also known as harboring limiting beliefs. Common limiting beliefs include: “Who am I to think I could do that?”, “I don’t have the education/experience/creativity necessary to accomplish that”, “I don’t have the money/connections/time to be that”, etc. The essence of most limiting beliefs is a general notion of “I am not enough”.

Lacking confidence in my goals is also known as being out of alignment. Common reasons for being out of alignment include: working towards others’ goals set for you, instead of your own; or working towards goals for superficial gain, instead of deep meaning. The essence of being out of alignment is inauthenticity.

There is ONE CURE for both: SELF-LOVE.

Loving yourself gives you the confidence necessary to overcome limiting beliefs by replacing them with the one true belief “I AM ENOUGH”. Loving yourself also means you are intimately in-touch with your authentic soul, your heart-wisdom, and your personal mission, which meanS you only work towards goals that are completely in alignment for you.

By loving yourself, you eliminate the greatest obstacles to achieving your greatest goals. If you are interested in learning more about self-love, let's chat! Here's a link to my calendar:

Catherine Harris