I QUIT MY JOB TODAY. As a life coach, I encourage women to follow their heart. Even when it feels scary. Even when they aren’t certain “how” things will work out. Especially if they have a clear vision of their end goal. Especially if they know exactly WHY they want what they want. My philosophy isn’t based on theory; it’s how I live my life. I’ve moved across country, lived abroad, opened a gallery, married my dream guy, experienced a natural birth, and generally live a life I love because I follow the quiet whisper within my heart and trust it above all else. Today, I took yet another giant leap of faith & quit my cushy fun corporate job at a company I respect with people I enjoy, simply because my heart let me know it’s time to go. It’s time for me to enjoy more days with my son as he’ll start walking and talking soon. It’s time for me to focus on growing my impact as a self-love coach & finish writing my first book. It’s time. Are you following your own heart guidance? If you’re wondering how, let’s chat. Here’s a link to my calendar:


Catherine Harris