A friend recently posted a comparison between our government and an abusive husband, to which I responded…
It’d be easy to tell a friend to leave. But, if it’s you in the relationship, it’s easier to rally the support of your friends (validated by their hatred of “his” actions) without actually leaving. Maybe you leave for a week or so, but always return with the belief “he’s better than this, he can change, he just needs the love of someone like me”, while secretly believing “maybe this is what I deserve”, making you a co-dependent enabler. The truth is a “man” only changes when inspired by something greater than himself (greater than his vices & enablers) and, through that, develops self-love and a personal mission. So, if you choose to stay, what are you doing to inspire that spiritual transformation? Hint: The change begins with you. Your own development of self-love is the key to breaking the pattern. This is why I am on a mission to spread self-love.
For love and country.