A little poem I wrote today...
There are spaces in between living
The long drawn out days of life
That if one were to write their biography
Would likely be forgotten or ignored
The benign activities of daily existence
The aspects of simply being human
Instead we relish the moments of the divine
The serendipity, the show, the praise & the accomplishment
Not the long hours that brought us to those points
The down days
The low funds and low energy that fill eighty percent of living
Only the artist sees the beauty in the menial
The beauty of the simple of the tired of the poor of the hopeful
Those are the long hours that build character
The character we place on a pedestal for only a moment
That took a lifetime to develop
Enjoy the benign
Relish the ordinary
Be grateful for the spaces in between
They are you.
They make you & create you
And if you haven’t settled into ease with those solo moments
The moments of fear and unrest and delayed gratification
The moments of uncertainty and doubt
They will eat you up from the inside out
So meditate
Soak in the dampness of blah
Know yourself with and without stimulation
Know your soul as it exists without the outside world
Cling to that knowing
Take confidence in your self-awareness
Know it is unique and fits no box or expectations
Be yourself
The rest of the world needs the character you have developed
But don’t be fooled into thinking that character is you
You are the spaces in between
Be bold enough to share your whole self
Share the gaps and gifts equally
Both make you human
Both make you divine