Love Relationships
I’ve been the gal doing the ugly-cry alone in my shower begging God/Universe to let me meet my true love.
I’ve dated every type of guy, been on every type of date, lost my first love to my best friend, dumped my 7-year boyfriend without knowing why, gave-up men as a 30-day cleanse, and e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y got myself to the place where I attracted and married the most AMAZING man, with whom I now share my life and raise our adorable son.
It was a long road, paved with some heartache and some VERY entertaining stories (there may be a book in my future, lol), but I grew to understand men, sisterhood, myself, attraction, what makes a woman magnetic, and the dynamics of relationship (short and long-term).
Now, I am passionate about helping women with love relationships.
Wherever you are in your journey toward love, I am here to help you move forward. xo
ATTRACT TRUE LOVE by being vibrant, authentic & positively magnetic!
Learn how in my 12-week challenge: