30-Day Challenge

The 30-day challenge

Over the years, I’ve had great breakthroughs from self-imposed 30-day challenges.

Whenever something feels out of alignment long enough, and obviously isn’t fixing itself, I course-correct with a 30-day challenge.

The subject of each challenge is rarely the real issue, but the process always provides answers.

For example, when I was struggling as a single woman desperate to find true love, I gave-up dating for 30-days and learned the power of self-love. Life changing.

At times, I’ve given up alcohol, sugar, gluten, carbs, etc. It’s not simply an exercise of will-power. In fact, it’s less about discipline & more about curiosity. Even on the rare occasions I’ve “failed” to complete a challenge, I still consider it a success if I learn more about myself:

- what is my life like without it?

- what triggers my cravings?

- what feelings am I seeking?

- what alternate (healthier) habits satisfy my urges?

- what other areas of my life are affected by my decisions?

Life is a journey. We’re here to experiment, learn & have fun.

Be kind to yourself & others. Be curious.

When things feel out of alignment, challenge yourself to show-up differently for 30-days, because YOU are responsible for your own happiness & only you know what your soul truly needs.

Seek joy. I love you. xo

Catherine Harris