Do you thrive on compliments and praise from others?
Do you text friends & flings when you’re feeling lonely (and possibly tipsy), seeking positive reinforcement?
Do you over-indulge in things you may later regret?
Does your brain know your value, yet you date guys who don’t appreciate your one-of-a-kind awesomeness & can’t live-up to your expectations?
Do you flip-flop between dating over-confident jerks & too-nice guys?
Get off the roller coaster of love & start to fill your cup first. Become responsible for your own happiness by practicing self-love.
In September 2015, I broke up with yet another boyfriend and started my “30-days Single” plan (no sex, dating, sexting, etc.) because for 20yrs I'd always had at least one love interest, had always been searching for true love, and was curious what could happen if I devoted that energy to loving myself instead. I’d seen a mentor’s post earlier that month with something about dating herself & asked her to tell me more about the concept. She shared these two videos. Wow, oh my... the first one was good, it was the first time I'd acknowledged my judgements of myself (didn't think I had so many!) and then to love all my feelings "good" and "bad" and not pass judgements (or to love the one who judges, and acknowledge even that). The second one... WOW, I truly believe I was destined to meet that mentor to receive that video at exactly that moment, because it exactly spoke to my current feelings, situation, thoughts, needs & growth. It completely described my experience with twin flames (including that recent breakup) and my need & knowing desire to love myself. Sharing the videos here for those who are interested...