I remember when I was desperately lacking both… doing the ugly cry alone in my shower, in a house I could no longer afford, with no knight-in-shining armor to come save me.
On paper, I was a great catch - an attractive, homeowning, world traveler with a Master’s degree, expressive wardrobe, AND it was literally my job to attend all the best events with the most important people in town (media sales). Most days, I loved my life! Also, most days, I was drinking, out with friends, having fun, numbing the little voice in my mind saying: “You’re meant for more than this”.
I never declined a getaway, hoping to find my real life somewhere abroad. Friends getting married in Hawaii – I’ll be there! Girls weekend in Puerta Vallarta – count me in! Yoga retreat in Belize – yes please! My credit card was stretched to the max, but I was “investing in myself” and #livingmybestlife.
Yeah, there were guys & plenty of crazy fun moments. I always felt in control, never violated or disrespected, and I was choosey, but looking back I now realize I was disrespecting myself. I just wanted to feel alive, feel wanted, feel special. Feel like I had my shit together. And, in others’ eyes, I believed I did. Although, that was probably slightly delusional, considering I was often drunk by the end of the night. Lucky for me, I had good friends and met nice people.
There were boyfriends, even long-term relationships, but never one who felt like The One. Eventually, I’d leave or self-sabotage enough for them to leave me.
I knew I was meant for more. I knew I deserved the right guy, a nice house and a stable job, without credit card debt. Even more, I wanted to feel passion — with a man, in my career & for LIVING! But, my debt was growing and I was feeling less and less fabulous each month.
In 2015, when yet another relationship ended, I realized… “if I don’t do something now, I’ll continue to repeat my same patterns over and over again, and I’ll never find true love or live life to its fullest.”
I had recently seen a friend’s post about “dating” herself – buying herself flowers, writing herself love notes, going out alone to do her favorite things. I was intrigued. I reached out. She sent me the link to a video about self-love. I stayed up until the next morning watching, absorbing the wisdom, journaling, and reconnecting with my heart-wisdom.
It was the beginning of a subtle but massive shift in my way of being.
Turns out my little voice was right, I was meant for more. I had spent years looking for it in other people, places & jobs, but the answers were always within me — that little voice — my heart-wisdom, my soul, my direct connection to life-energy. Everything I’d been doing to feel more alive (dating, drinking, traveling, etc.) was only a temporary substitute for connecting with my own source. I began taking ownership of my happiness. My ability to hear my heart-wisdom got stronger; it became louder, clearer & more exciting. At first, it was fleeting, a brief glimpse of euphoria, then I’d snap back to reality with the weight of my obligations. But, once I committed to trusting my heart-wisdom enough to take daily inspired action, everything improved. I no longer needed to go out every night, because I was content staying home with myself. I no longer needed to get drunk to numb my thoughts, but was actually meditating to hear them better. I no longer needed to splurge on things I couldn’t afford, because I was clear on my goals for the future. Once I began to love myself, I no longer had fairytale expectations of being “saved”, but saved myself by becoming my most authentic, vibrant & positively magnetic! That’s how I manifested a $100,000 investor to start my first business, met the love of my life (now husband), experienced the ideal birth of my son & am now doing what I love!
Today, I am on a mission to help others take ownership of their own happiness & attract all they desire!
If this story resonates with you, if you want to learn how to become positively magnetic for MONEY & LOVE, let’s connect! My 5-step process can be applied toward any goal, and I’m excited to help make it work for YOU. Here’s a link to my calendar: