
It’s okay to indulge (in fact, I highly recommend it!), but if your indulgence has lost its luster, become more like a habit, or is no longer satisfying, then keep reading.

If you’re having another glass of wine for no particular reason, eating another cupcake you don’t really want, ordering another dress you may never wear, or texting another guy you only sorta like, I know why.

I’ve been there too, when I wasn't showing up as the best version of myself. But, truth is, my status quo was pretty darn good, and yours probably is too. As a life coach, I tend to attract beautiful, charismatic & intelligent woman. So, if you’re reading this, you’re probably living a pretty good life. So, why over-indulge?

Because, you want more. You want to test your boundaries. You want to feel alive. You want a challenge.

Because it temporarily numbs unwanted thoughts… the pain of not knowing your purpose, the fear of not living up to your potential, the guilt of wanting more when you already have so much.
I’ve been there.

You are not selfish. You are not lost. You are not lacking. You are not broken. You are not bad.

You deserve more love, not less.

In your heart, you know the hangover, calories, credit card charges & flirtations aren’t the cure. You know you may regret them in the morning, but not enough to stop yourself in the moment.
So, what would it take to stop?

Hitting rock-bottom is one way, but that’s not your style. What will it take? Landing your dream job? Meeting your dream guy? Falling in love? Going on vacation? Launching your passion project? Winning a million dollars?

Those are all great high-vibe activities, but they aren’t the answer. In fact, they’re more likely to come true once you follow the answer first.

The answer is self-love. Loving yourself now, in this moment, exactly as you are. Loving the woman who over-indulged. Loving the woman who regrets. Loving the woman who judges herself. Loving the woman who dares to want more. Loving the woman who desires to know her purpose. Loving the woman who wants to live up to her full potential. Loving the woman who wants to feel ALIVE! Loving the woman who knows she is meant for more! You are.

Start now. Start today. Love yourself enough to work through difficult thoughts without numbing them.

Trust the whisper within your heart. That little voice asking you not to over-indulge is the same voice with all the answers you seek. It knows your true purpose and your greatest potential. It knows the steps for getting you from here to there. Sure, you can ignore it tonight, but it’ll get louder. Hint: A really loud heart-whisper is also known as rock-bottom (unemployment, illness, grief, etc.). To learn your lessons the easy way & enjoy life as the best version of yourself, listen to your heart wisdom while it’s still a whisper.

**Love yourself enough to trust your own heart.** If that seems hard, I’m happy to help; let’s schedule a call. Here’s a link to my calendar:

Catherine Harris