Start With You
Greed, Divisiveness, Uncertainty, Fear, Illness, Blame, Isolation, Economic hardship, Food waste, Insufficient supplies, Distrust, Breakdown
... the world is suffering right now. All the cracks in society are being exposed & widening. Everyone has an opinion. Some people take action (for better or worse). Some people crawl into a hole & await the storm to clear. Some people desire positive change, but don’t know where to start. Very few go inward & do the work necessary to be the change they wish to see in this world.
Do the work...
combat greed with Generosity,
replace divisiveness with Empathy,
cure uncertainty with Curiosity,
overcome fear with Love,
choose Health over illness,
take Ownership rather than place blame,
alleviate isolation with Nature,
activate your Entrepreneurial creativity,
become a more Responsible consumer,
produce Value for others,
be True to your word,
& Uplift.
You are here for a reason. You are a gift to this world. Your authenticity is necessary. You have the power to be the change. Start with you. You alone can make a world of difference. We need you to be you. Thank you for all you do every day. I love you.